Titel: F. Eckardt/D. Hassenpflug (eds.) 2002: Consumption and the Post-Industrial City. Frankfurt/M. u.a.:Peter Lang. ca. 45,50 EUR


Consumption and the Post-Industrial City


Frank Eckardt

The Theoretical Debate

City and Consumption

Dieter Hassenpflug

Consumption and the Postmodern City

Derek Wynne/Justin O=Connor

Four pictures of the Post-Industrial City

Sako Musterd

The Third Urban Revolution of Modernity

Francois Ascher

Culture and Consumption in the Post-Industrial City

John Clammer

Quality of Urban Life in Europe in the 21th Century

With a Focus on Three Nordic Capitals

Louise Nyström

The Social and Spatial Transformation

Social and Spatial Transformations in Polish Cities at

the Beginning of the 21st Century

Anna Karwiñska

Deurbanisation in Bulgaria: Challenges of Transition

and Sustainable Development

Iskara Dandolova

Cities AArchipelago@ in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon

Maria Manuela Mendes

Consuming Cities; Consuming Youth: Young People=s

Lifestyles and the Appropriation of Cultural Space

Steven Miles

Cultural Urbanisation of Helsenki: consumption,

mobile phones and new ideal of planing

Pasi Mäenpää

The Colours of the Post-Industrial City

Manchester=s Cultural Industries: A Vehicle of Racial


Martina Boese

ACommunity@, Multi-culturalism and the Diasporic

Negociation of Space and Identity in the East End of London

Isabelle Fremeaux/David Garbin

Transnational Jade Formations of the Translocal

Practices of Chinese Immigrants in a Lisbon Innercity


José Mapril

The Moscow of the 21st Century - Ethnic and

Confessional Colour of a Post-industrial City

Svetlana Tchervonnaia

Urban Politics in a Consumption Culture

Local Community Identity Policy - Market Strategy,

Cultural Education or the Home of the Citizens?

Albrecht Göschel

Consuming Culture: Affluence and Social Space in the

New Barcelona

Malcolm Miles

The Return to Downtown - Initial Reflections on the

European Capital of Culture, Porto 2001

Carlos J. L. Balsas

Manifest and Latent Functions of Museums in the Post-Industrial City: A Taxonomy

Volker Kirchberg

Recycling Gda_sk=s Urban Spaces: the Processes

Supporting the Identity of the City

Lucyna Nyka

E-Communication and E-Services in Urban Management:

Current Trends and Development Perspectives in

Yugoslav Cities

Mija Bajic Brkovic